EXO-PORT ™ Liposuction Skin Ports were designed to protect the skin at the incisional site from frictional or thermal abrasions, particularly during power assisted and/or ultrasound-assisted liposuction procedures. Appropriate for use in all aspiration procedures. Recommended for use with all PAL/UAL Assisted Devices.
EXO-PORT ™ Liposuction Skin Ports reduce the risk of:
Pro Tip: When choosing for an expanded tip cannula or cannulas with raised features, please select 1-2 sizes larger than the diameter of the cannula.
See Informational Video Below
EXO-PORT ™ Liposuction Skin Ports were designed to protect the skin at the incisional site from frictional or thermal abrasions, particularly during power assisted and/or ultrasound-assisted liposuction procedures. Appropriate for use in all aspiration procedures. Recommended for use with all PAL/UAL Assisted Devices.
Pro Tip: When choosing for an expanded tip cannula or cannulas with raised features, please select 1-2 sizes larger than the diameter of the cannula.
If you have any questions on something special, pricing or availability, call me personally at 727-902-0109 or email me at terry@cobrasurgical.com.
11252 Gallatin Trail
Parrish, FL. 34219
11252 Gallatin Trail
Parrish, FL. 34219